根據Mark Z. Jacobson不斷更新的整理,截至2021年1月底為止,總計有61個國家立法在一定時程內電力需100%由再生能源供應、美國亦有14個州、特區、或領地有訂出一定時程內達到100%再生能源供電的立法。Mark Z. Jacobson亦整理出230間承諾達成100%再生能源的國際企業。
Renewable and low carbon energy
Group using NREL's free ReEDs model validates 100% renewables by 2035 for 24 states
The Green Fantasy and Messy Reality of Nuclear Power
If the U.S. is going to come anywhere close to meeting the IPCC’s recommendations for avoiding catastrophic warming through nuclear power, modular nuclear plants will be going up all over the place by January of 2025. We should see ribbons being cut, foundations being poured, and uranium ore well on its way to being enriched. “Small-scale modular” will have to become one of those eye-rollingly overused cliches, like “OK Boomer” or “social distancing.”
2019年2月,時新上任的參議員Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez提出綠色新政(green new deal)議案H. RES. 109,內文提及在2030年以前以大量建置再生能源等手段,達成100%乾淨、可再生、且零碳排能源供電的目標。雖然這項議案最後在參議院被擱置至今,但拜登總統上任後,Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez和其盟友近期仍持續試圖推動類似的綠色新政議案。建置派和草根進步派對於能源轉型的兩種想像,目前正分裂美國的氣候討論中。